Tents at Autumn and Winter Events
Tents at Autumn and Winter Events?
When organizing an outdoor party, it is expected to choose certain times of the year to do so. In general, outdoor events are held in warmer seasons, such as spring and summer. We know that you possibly discard the Autumn and Winter season from this equation, however we ask you to keep these seasons into account.
With Autumn, comes rain, wind and cold. Until the end of the Winter, temperatures become progressively harsher. Despite this, organizing a party in an outdoor tent is a possibility that you can consider, as it is very simple to transform the tent environment into a warm and welcoming environment. But how? We decided to list some tips to make your tented event an inviting place for your guests.
01. Tent Model
When organizing a party in cold weather, it’s important to take into account the size and type of tent that will host the event. In general, we recommend the use of the A-Frame / Multistandard tent, since the shape of these tents allows the water to flow. The size of the tent should vary according to the number of guests. Find out how to calculate the tent size for your event by downloading our Guide to Private Events e-book.
02. Complements
In addition to choose the right type of tent and size, it’s important to consider having a platform in the tent. The platform has the role of replacing the soil of the venue and, in addition to being more aesthetic, it protects the tent from possible infiltration of water in the soil.
Another alternative to protect your guests even more is to use sliding doors and an entrance hall or tunnel connecting the tent to another place or to the bathrooms, for example.
03. Keep your guests warm
One of the fundamental complements in an event in the middle of the cold season is the air conditioning of the tent. This add-on is essential to keep your guests warm and comfortable. No one wants to be cold at an event, so it’s important to put in the necessary amount of air conditioning equipment, taking into account the size of the tent and the outside temperature. In general, we recommend 1 air conditioner for every 200 m2, however, you should talk to the technician to evaluate your real needs.
04. Offer a hot menu
When organizing this type of event, you should always keep in mind the need to keep your guests comfortable and warm. It’s also in this sense that you should think about your party menu. Hot food and drinks help to warm up the environment and your guests. Be creative.
05. Cosy decoration
The type of decoration of the tent and the temperature of the lighting used influence the way we perceive the place and give us a feeling of greater warmth and comfort. Use warm colours and more welcoming textures. Make use of blankets in strategic places for greater comfort and choose a carpet to cover the tent platform in the colour of your party’s theme, for example.
06. Dance floor
One of the best ways to warm up the environment is to give guests the opportunity to dance. Dedicate a part of the tent for this purpose It’s a fun and alternative way to transform the event environment.
As we have seen, there are many options that allow you to transform your tent into a comfortable and welcoming place. Keeping these 6 tips in mind, your event will be a success.
Contact us and get more information about our rental tents or check our portfolio in our website.